Executive Advisory Council
Catalina Gasper
Task Force Diablo
Catalina L. Gasper, USN, CDR (Ret.), retired as a Special Duty Information Warfare and Intelligence Officer after 24 years active-duty service in December 2021. As an Information Warfare Officer, Catalina has extensive experience in Signals Intelligence and Cyber operations collection and research and development. As an Intelligence Officer, Catalina specialized in sensitive Human Intelligence collection.
Catalina has a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin and a Master of Science with distinction in Computer Science and a Certificate in Regional Security Studies from the Naval Postgraduate School. Catalina has been working with other veterans and civilians to help facilitate the relocation of American citizens, Legal Permanent Residents, Special Immigrant Visa Applicants, and Afghan Allies since August 2021 through the volunteer organization she founded, Task Force Diablo.