Visual guides to the complex processes of relocating allies from Afghanistan, applications & security vetting for various types of visas, and the processing steps between leaving Afghanistan and reaching safety.
Relocation process map
[since January 20, 2025]
Relocation process map
[prior to January 20, 2025]
SIV application vetting and approval
Updated January 20, 2025
Enduring Welcome relocation preparation process map
This process map provides an overview of the relocation process for Enduring Welcome eligible populations, including components that have been paused by the Trump administration executive orders.
This map does not provide definitions for each possible scenario.
Created in collaboration with the United States Department of State and other relevant agencies.
Current as of January 20, 2025.
Click image to enlarge.
Prior to January 20, 2025
Enduring Welcome Relocation Process Map Pack
This process map provides an overview of the relocation process for Enduring Welcome eligible populations.
This map does not provide definitions for each possible scenario.
Created in collaboration with the United States Department of State and other relevant agencies.
Current as of July 19, 2024.
Department of State
flight manifest eligibility
This chart provides an overview of flight manifest eligibility for various populations.
The chart does not provide definitions for each possible type of visa status.
Current as of March 2024.
Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) application vetting & approval
This graphic describes the Special Immigrant Visa vetting and approval process.
Official U.S. Government instructions can be found here:
Special Immigrant Visas for Afghans -
Who Were Employed by/on Behalf of the U.S. Government.
Current as of August 21, 2022
Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) application processing priority
This graphic describes the order in which Special Immigrant Visa applications are processed by the U.S. Department of State.
More information can be found at this link:
9 FAM 502.5: Special Immigrants.
Current as of February 15, 2019
This process is currently paused
Refugee Assistance Program (USRAP) refugee referral journey
This graphic describes the refugee journey following P1 or P2 referral to the United States Refugee Referral Program (USRAP).
Official U.S. Government instructions can be found at this link: Refugee Processing & Security Screening
Current as of Feburary 8, 2025